About the book
What’s inside?
Processes designed for small shops and studios
Step-by-step instructions for making and using dies
Instructions for unique pieces, editions or prototypes
Directions for building a press without welding
List of suppliers, suppliers for presses, hydraulics, materials and tools
Directions for making steel blanking dies
Info about accessories for bending and tube making
Info about urethane, acrylic, delrin, epoxy, and tool steel
Beautiful examples work by successful artists
More than 140 photos and illustrations
Tables of calculations, measurements and ratios
A list of jewelry and metalsmithing organizations
List of new and classic jewelry & metalsmithing books
An index to find what you are looking for
A glossary of terms used in dieforming
Customer testimonials
"If you are looking for this book, you already know that this is "Da Book" on Hydraulic press forming and die making."
"The best forming book for hydraulic die use written. Fabulous resource with an amazing amount of information and easy to follow instructions for all aspects of forming metal. A must have for all metalsmiths and jewelers."
"Several of the tricks and techniques discussed in this book are things I've discovered only after doing it for many years and will save the newcomer to the process lots of failures and frustration."
"Susan Kingsley takes you by the hand and leads you to a higher level of metalsmithing. A perfect addition of shapes and dimemsion to my existing work."
"Although the title sounds like a technical tome, this book has a strong emphasis on the creative uses of the hydraulic press for forming and blanking metal. Kingsley explains how to easily make your own dies from a variety of materials. This is an excellent book for the creative metalsmith, jewelry designer, and artist. It provides the technical information you need to use hydraulic forming, and offers a variety of techniques that will expand your creative reservoir."

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